Are You REDI 2Be Whole?



Distress and


to become


FREE Discovery Session! Book NOW!


Hello! My name is Jenimarie.

I am passionate about assisting people who experience Physical, Mental, and Emotional distress.

I help them to overcome challenging obstacles, so they can create healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

My Clients have felt the relief that comes from releasing trapped emotions and other imbalances, and I would love to help YOU achieve that same level of comfort too.

More About Me

What is The Body Code®?

The Body Code® is an extension of The Emotion Code® that involves a network of interconnected charts related to the body and its many systems. It is essentially composed of 6 main categories: Energy, Circuit or System, Toxin, Pathogen, Misalignment, and Nutrition or Lifestyle. Energetic imbalances and misalignments in these categories are identified via muscle testing.